La Zampogna

The Zampogna i(or bagpipe!) is not a mysterious musical instrument… in reality it is very similar to a conramusa, the very ones used in Scotland and in many other parts of the world. It is a bag aerophane, typical of southern Italy. There are different types and the sound recalls

Bread and Side Dish, Dinner is Ready!

The Bread is the star, crunchy crust, honeycombed crumb, crumbly, golden colour, yellow-brown depending on the flour used, entrancing aroma (when the bread is made well, with the right flours and natural yeast!). If the bread is accompanied by fresh cheese, courgettes with mint, warm vegetable soup, tomato salad, fruit

Colavita USA & Food Education Fund

The group of students from New York has come to Molise again this year, thanks to Colavita USA, an Italian company of Molise origins, which supports the Food Education Fund in America. The students, the Winners of the year’s Colavita Culinary Challange, have experienced the traditional fish cuisine and taste

Healthy and Tasty Food. To celebrate, enjoy the company of friends, love yourself.

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