Salt of Life …. Flavored

Salt of Life …. Flavored

Salt is a faithful ally in the kitchen, always just to give taste and smell to our dishes and our lives. What would life be without salt?

We like very much aromatized citrus or herb salts, ideal not only for fish and meat dishes, but also for winter soups, sauces and fresh pasta.

It is not difficult to prepare a jar of flavored salt with lemon, mandarin, rosemary or flowers. Some tips are necessary and everyone has his/her own secrets!

To prepare the lavender flavored salt we need:

  • 6-8 ears of lavender and  bake them for 4-5 minutes.
  • combine dried lavender flowers with 200g of coarse salt.
  • put everything in a jar with an airtight seal.

Lavender flavored salt is perfect with meat or with potato dishes.
