Organic Brown Rice

Organic Brown Rice

Organic Brown Rice is a blessing because, not having undergone any refining or bleaching, preserves the nutritional principles of the whole grain, such as fibers, vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids salts. Thus in 100 grams of brown rice there are 40.5 mg of essential amino acids against 16.6 mg of white rice. Organic brown rice also contains a higher amount of phosphorus, iron, manganese (essential for the production of energy, for the release of hormones and for the antioxidant properties), vitamin B3, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin E, vitamin PP (important anti-inflammatory and antioxidant), potassium, selenium, copper and zinc. There are also: vitamin A, B2, B5, B12, K and J.

It is not difficult to deduce that organic brown rice has got useful functions: it would help to reduce the risk of developing cancers, diseases of the nervous and reproductive systems; it combacts heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity.

This type of rice is cooked differently from white rice. Cooking time is 45 ‘- 1 hour and always remains a little “al dente”. We cook a cup of organic brown rice with two cups of water and a bit of sea salt and once cooked we not down the water away. When it boils we lower the heat to a minimum and use a flame distributor. In a few minutes, when the rice has absorbed all its water, it will be ready.

Very easy to digest, organic brown rice is a must for the good functioning of the intestine that also means facilitating the elimination of toxins, cleansing the body and, why not, slimming down a little, if necessary, thanks to the fact that the energy accumulated is consumed slowly throughout the day avoiding accumulation of fatty deposits.
