Far Outside the Ordinary by Prissy Elrod

Far Outside the Ordinary by Prissy Elrod

“An artist at heart, new novelist, Prissy Elrod lives in Tallahassee, Florida with her husband while her treasured family lives within four miles of her. Writing her first novel, ‘Far Out of the Ordinary’ was an exercise of courage. It took four years to write, three computers, two espresso machines, 48 how-to writing books, a Florida State University memoir-writing class, 24 blog subscriptions, a half-dozen periodical journals and 14 revised drafts. Elrod kept the manuscript to herself, not allowing anyone to read it for the first three years of writing her story and finally, in 2013, she sent the draft to a Pushcart Prize–winning writer in Texas, engaging him to read the manuscript and provide feedback. Elrod is currently working on her second book”.

Thank you Prissy for sharing the story of your Life with us.

A story full of sadness, hope and joy!
