Spirulina SuperFood

Spirulina SuperFood

SuperFood defined as “food of the future” (UN World Food Conference) – is a microalga called SPIRULINA in the shape of a spiral, green in color, sometimes blue, which favors tropical and subtropical areas, warm places (30-40) degrees) with a high concentration of mineral salts.
Spirulina contains all the nutrients our body needs: vegetable proteins, vitamins, essential fats, iron, calcium, magnesium, low in iodine and sodium and rich in trace elements. It is for this reason that 100% pure Spirulina is considered an excellent supplement not only because it is energizing and invigorating, but also because it keeps the right level of sugar in the blood, plays an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant function, helps the immune system, promotes concentration and strengthens the organism.
FAO has developed several projects using this wonderful microalga to fight hunger and malnutrition in the world and has defined Spirulina as “the food of the future”.
