Get to Know Vegetables

Get to Know Vegetables

Garlic Plant originally from Central Asia. Stimulates the digestive system, lowers blood pressure. It is an antiseptic plant.

Asparagus Cultivated for over 2,000 years is an excellent diuretic and purifying. Rich in manganese, iron and phosphorous. Contains B vitamins.

Artichoke Low calorie, poor in mineral salts, contains small amounts of vitamin A, B1, B2 C. It is considered a liver tonic.

Cabbage There are many varieties: cauliflower, green cabbage, red and crisp. It is rich in carbon hydrates. Poor in proteins. Numerous mineral salts. Contains vitamins of groups B1, B2 and C.

Chicory Diuretic. Stimulates the liver. It is rich in iron, vitamin C and A. Less vitamin B1 and B2.

Onion Origin of Central Asia. It is one of the oldest cultivated food plants. Rich in sugar. Diuretic.

Fennel It is an excellent diuretic and soothing to the stomach and intestines. Slightly laxative.

Lettuce It is not very nutritious because it contains plenty of water. Rich in mineral salts and three vitamins: A, B1, B2, E

Pepper It does not have great nutritional value, but it contains PP and K vitamins and it goes well with other vegetables to give them flavor. It is not suitable for those who have stomach burns.

Porro Plant already cultivated by the Romans. Poor in proteins, but rich in mineral salts: iron, magnesium and others. Contains vitamins A, B1, B2 and C

Celery Contains considerable amounts of potassium and phosphorus, vitamins C and B2. Low in calories.

