Olive Trees and Olive Oil

Olive Trees and Olive Oil

March hills.

Small flowers of white petals.

Olive trees are silver leaves.


Cozy shadow. Forms of legends.

Care. It is the beginning.

Nature is heard.

The fruits leave the leaves. It is collected.

It’s autumn.

Crushers in stone walls. Witnesses of ancient secrets.

Wise ritual. Unchanged, almost. In time.

It waits.

Event. Element of life and sustenance.

It is divided and shared. Generous.

Heals and protects. Enchant.

Precious. Treasure. Gold. Gift.

It unites cultures. The earth and its trees.

Ancient and sacred bond. Deep.

Powerful nature.

Tell a land. Tenacious souls in sunny olive groves.

Sign of a civilization. History of humanity.

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