Caper Dressing


  1. Grind the coriander seeds in a mortar with a pestle
  2. Remove the leaves from the coriander and set aside
  3. Chop the coriander stalks
  4. Add to mortar
  5. Add the orange zest, the capers and smash them
  6. Mix in the olive oil
  7. Add the orange juice
  8. Add the soy sauce and coriander leaves
  9. Leave the dressing to infuse for a few minutes before serving.

Caper dressing is perfect over grilled tuna. 

Make it just before using it because coriander leaves will discolour.


  • 2 tablespoons of coriander seeds, dry-toasted
  • Small bunch of coriander
  • Greated orange zest
  • Juice of 1 large orange
  • 2 tablespoons of small capers in brine, drained
  • 150ml of extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce