Molise by Bike

Molise by Bike

Molise is a region almost unknown to most Italians. It seems motionless, still, far from the frenzy of everyday life. A bit like a beautiful flower bud that never blooms. Each of us went through it quickly, but never stopped to admire or savor it. That being isolated from everyone, which was apparently a misfortune, is now turning into a strength for tourism, especially cycling. Always looking for “real” places to discover. Its roads, the secondary ones with little traffic, its mountain paths, are the best that lovers of racing bicycles or those with big wheels could wish for. Pedaling you can find history (Samnites, Romans and Carthaginians have passed through here), taste dishes with the most disparate flavors, go from the sea to the mountains in just under 100 km. A true paradise for those who love to pedal, enjoying the fruits of this land that has finally blossomed and is beginning to show itself to the world with all its infinite beauty.

Giordano Roverato – –
