Rosmarinus Officinalis

Rosmarinus Officinalis

Rosmarinus Officinalis, originally from Europe, Asia and Africa, is very widespread today in the Mediterranean area. There are several varieties: Albiflorus, Foliis Aureis, Lavandulascens, Miss Jessup’s Upright, Piramidalis, Suffolk.

Rosemary is a plant with deep roots, small leaves and a needle-like shape, linear dark green color above and whitish below, which contain an essential oil with an intense, pungent, balsamic smell, in some ways, reassuring. It is no coincidence that with the branches of rosemary the extra-virgin olive oil and vinegar are flavored. Not only. Rosemary is widely used in cooking: fresh – it is used in salads and soups; dried – it is perfect not only with roasts or grilled fish, but also with desserts. Excellent in jams and marmalades.

Rosemary is also used in herbal medicine in cases of bronchial catarrh, rheumatism, cold abscesses and physical and mental weakness due to its exciting, tonic and carminative action.

Keeping the Rosemary is simple: fresh in the fridge for a few days or in the freezer for a couple of months ….. should never be missing at home …. so why not grow a Rosemary plant in the garden or on the terrace?

I have always been fascinated by Topiary Art with woody stemmed plants: a small tree of Rosemary in a beautiful terracotta or a wooden cache-pot, can be an element of considerable impact, especially if placed on the sides of the entrance door.
