Black Cherry Jam


  1. Wash the cherries. Remove the stem and core. Wear gloves.
  2. Let it “drip”.
  3. Put in a pot the pitted cherries. Cook over low heat.
  4. Add  sugar. Keep cooking stirring from time to time.
  5. Check consistency when the jam starts to thicken.
    SAUCER TEST: pour a little jam on the saucer. Tilt the plate: if the jam does not slide it is ready!
  6. Allow to cool and put in sterilized jars. Turn the jars upside down for at least 20 minutes. Sterilize again.

    Jam could be covered with a few drops of liquor before closing the jar.

Black Cherries are similar to cherries and belong to the variety PRUNUS CERASUS (unlike the sweet cherries that belong to the variety Prunus Avium), come to full maturity in July. The species Prunus Cerasus includes three varieties: Amarene Cherries (sour and bitter flavor), Marasca Cherries (bitter taste) and Visciole Cherries (sweet). Amarene are more sour and refreshing than cherries. They are rich in vitamins A, B1 and C, and minerals.

With cherries it is also possible to prepare: Cherries in Syrup Sour Cherries in Alcohol and Cherry Liqueur.


  • 1kg Black Cherry
  • 700gr Sugar