The Salt of the Popes

The Salt of the Popes

In the world there are so many different salts and they differ mainly in composition and flavor. Typically the salt commonly used undergoes numerous treatments to become “cospargibile” and it is for this reason that many important substances, such as iodine, are dispersed before being reintroduced chemically.

But why do we use salt ?

Its role is not to desensitize the taste buds, make us  prefer more salty and savory foods – the dorito effect!

The real role of salt is to give us minerals and trace elements.

The Salt of the Popes, salfiore because it is the first collection salt, donated to the Pope every year, helps our  body: it is a whole salt. It is salt without additives and rich in marine trace elements because it is simply washed with water with high salt concentration, which has not undergone invasive chemical processes.

With a pleasant taste and “sweet”, for the purity of sodium chloride and lower presence of bitter chloride, the salt of the Popes is perfect to flavor meat, fish and vegetables.

The ancient Camillone Salina – part of the Salt Museum – the salt is still harvested by hand. Production is limited and we can consider it a real cru.  The Salina Camillone is a Slow Food Presidium since 2004.

